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Privacy Policy

We protect your personal information and data

1. Protecting You
This Service is developed, owned and operated by Finger Box Limited, (「Finger Box」, 「we,」 「us,」 「our」) is committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully. We will meet the standards of personal data privacy protection in complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (“PDPO”) as amended from time to time.

Please note that use of the Mobile Applications and / or Website (「Platform」) by you is subject to this privacy policy (the 「Policy」) and the Platform’s terms and conditions of use (「Terms and Conditions」), where this Policy uses a word starting with a capital letter, that term will be defined in the Terms and Conditions or elsewhere in this Policy.
Our Policy explains what information we collect on the Platform, how we use and/or share this information, and how such information is maintained. By using this Platform, you signify your acceptance of this Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Policy, in whole or part, you should not use this Platform. Please note that this Policy applies only with respect to the information collected on the Platform and not any information collected or obtained through other methods or sources.
Our Policy ensures that any information you provide us on this Platform remains private and secure. To reassure you, below we provide details of the information you provide to us, and how it will and, more importantly, will not be used. We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent. The information we hold will be accurate and up to date. You can check the information that we hold about you by contacting us (and there may be an administrative fee payable for this). If you find any inaccuracies we will delete or correct it promptly.

2. Identifiable Information
We collect any personal information (「PI」) that is volunteered during Registration or in response to specific information requests explicitly presented to you.
We may also collect your IP (Internet Protocol) address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer this Platform. An IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer and /or mobile device when you use the Internet. Your IP address is also used to help identify you during a particular session and to gather broad demographic data.
We may ask for your phone number and e-mail address during your use of the Platform.

3. Use and Sharing of PI
All PI is retained in accordance with the Data Protection Principles and the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) of Hong Kong (“PDPO”) as amended from time to time.

We use PI to provide you with information about us, to properly provide you with the Service and for marketing ourselves to you. It is our policy not to sell or pass any PI to any other organisations (outside our group companies) unless we are required to do so for fraud prevention and detection. We will never sell or rent your PI to anyone else for their marketing purposes without your consent.
However, we may pass your PI to our agents and subcontractors to help us with any of our uses of your data set out in this Policy. For example, we may use third parties to provide us with marketing or customer service assistance.

We also always reserve the right to disclose PI in order to:
(a) comply with applicable laws;
(b) respond to governmental enquiries (or enquiries from a legal, governmental or quasi-governmental or local authority agency or Internet protection agency of any type);
(c) comply with a valid legal process or procedure; or
(d) protect our rights or property, this Platform, and/or other users of this Platform.
Furthermore, subject to your agreement and the successful member registration of the merchant, we shall pass a copy of your PI to such merchant.
By submitting PI to us, you acknowledge that provided we have used your data in the ways set out in this Policy, we cannot be held responsible for any use of your data by third parties who receive and process your data.

4. Cookies
We use 「cookies」, technology to store data in your computer or devices using the functionality of your browser. A lot of websites do this, because cookies allow the website publisher to do useful things like find out whether the computer (and probably its user) has visited the site before. You can usually modify your browser to prevent cookie use – but if you do this the Website may not work properly. The information stored in the cookie is used to identify you. This enables us to operate an efficient service and to track the patterns of behavior of visitors to the website.
Also, in the course of serving advertisements to this Website if any), third-party advertisers or ad servers may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser. The use of cookies by such third party advertisers or ad servers is not subject to this Policy, but is subject to their own respective privacy policies. (Please note that use of the Website, is neither intended for, nor directed to, children under the age of 12.)

5. Emails and Mobile Phone Number
Please note that we may email you for the following purposes:
• as part of the Service. For example, we send (or may send) emails or sms text messages to you in some of the following example circumstances:
• after Registration, notifying you of your account details;
• as reminder emails about the services we offer (particularly if you have not used them yet or not used them for a while);
• to send you information or offers from any merchant, or any related services to you as a newsletter

However, in terms of any marketing or promotional emails we may send, we will always give you the chance to opt-out (or unsubscribe) from them in the future.
Please note that we may send SMS you to your mobile phone number for the purpose of part of personal information verification and user activation.

6. Security and retention
The PI which we hold will be held securely within our systems in accordance with our internal security policy and the law.
Regarding information transmitted between the Platform and and/or users, while we take reasonable precautions to safeguard this information, we may be unable to prevent unauthorized access to such information by third parties or inadvertent disclosure of such information during transit. Users acknowledge this risk when communicating with the Platform.

7. Transfer in Certain Circumstances
Please note that we may transfer, sell or assign information collected on and through this Platform (including, without limitation, PI and other information), to one or more relevant third parties in the event of:
• in our sole discretion, there is a sale, merger, consolidation, change in control, transfer of substantial assets, reorganization or liquidation or Finger Box Limited;
• in your sole discretion, there is any new Merchant registration in this Platform. All PI except your password shall be transferred to such new Merchant.

8. Customer Service
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at admin@fingerbox.com.

9. Changes to this Policy
Please note that this Policy forms part of the Terms and Conditions for use of this Platform and forms part of the Agreement between you and us. We may, from time to time, amend this Policy, in whole or part, in our sole discretion. Any changes to this Policy will be effective immediately upon the posting of the revised policy on the Platform. Depending on the nature of the change, we may announce the change: (a) on the home page of the Website or Mobile Application, or (b) by email, if we have your email address. However, in any event, by continuing to use the Platform following any changes, you will be deemed to have agreed to such changes. If you do not agree with the terms of this Policy, as it may be amended from time to time, in whole or part, you must terminate your use of the Platform.

10. General
This policy was last updated on 23 July 2020.

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